Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Saved from depression

Wow! It has been a long time. I have completely disregarded writing but God has called me to write again today. What is it that God wants me to write about today? Depression. I have it. So do many many other people. Some don't realize they do, some know they do and have just accepted that their life will be hell for the rest of their lives. Some won't fight it anymore and will just give up. Wake up people! This world is in its end stages. We are depressed. So what. Lets change it.

I was listening to music as I was cleaning. If you are a depressive, you know how hard it is to be motivated enough to clean. But here I was. We go to a Bible study every Tuesday night and I spilled the beans about my depression. God has revealed to me that this is just a bump in the road, a trial he is allowing me to have so that I may lead many, maybe thousands of women, out of this oppression. At the end of the study, the genders separate and the men go in one room while the women go in another. We pray together and just have that fellowship we so eagerly wait for. This night, after I asked for prayers, all the women prayed over me. I slept so hard that night and woke up refreshed. I have a sound mind today. I am not confused. I am not broken today. Well, I am still messed up, but I am being held up today.

Like I said earlier, I was listening to music and actually cleaning. As a matter of fact, I stopped cleaning to come write this for you. Anyway, a song called Not Alone came on by Red that really came from God. Listen to these words...

Slowly fading away
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope in a world so cold?
Looking for a distant light
Someone who could save a life
You're living in fear that no one will hear your cries
Can you save me now?

I am with you
I will carry you through it all
I won't leave you
I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not alone, not alone

Your heart if full of broken dreams
Just a fading memory
and everything is gone but the pain carries on
Lost in the rain again
When will it ever end?
The arms of relief seem so out of reach
But I, I am here

And I'll be your hope when you feel like it's over
And I will pick you up when your whole world shatters
And when you're finally in my arms
Look up and see that love has a face

And I will be your hope
you're not alone
and I will pick you up
and I will be your hope

Just hearing these words gives me the will to fight this. Without those prayers, without  those words being sung, I wouldn't realize something. I feel better just by hoping I am helping someone else out there with depression. So here is a word specifically from me to you.

You are not alone. You are loved and God has a hand on you. He desperately wants you to feel better and have trust in him that he will carry you through this. I want you to focus on one thing that you can do to help others. Volunteer or get counseling and take a closer look at yourself. I was asked "Do you know you are pretty." I said "No." She said "How would you feel if your child came to you and said , "Mom, I feel ugly and I hate myself."" I said "Sad." She said, "How do you think that you make your creator when you feel this way and tell yourself how unworthy and ugly you are. He made you in a special way. You are his work of art. He is proud of making you. He specially breathed life into you. How do you think it makes him feel for you to say those things about his work of art?"

Wow. Think about that. I love you and God loves you. You are not alone! Please contact me if you want to talk or just vent. I am always willing to try to help you and use scripture to remind you of who you are in Christ!

"Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes." Ephesians 1:4

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